Ethics, society, humanity, & AI

Computational technologies such as data science, machine learning, and robotics are reshaping almost every aspect of society, and so it is critical that we understand the ways that they do—and more frequently do not—advance our values and interests. My research in this space aims to proactively shape the design, development, and deployment of these technologies through collaborations, rather than being merely critical and reactive. I aim to make a real-world impact by promoting and enabling more ethical data science, machine learning, and AI.

One aspect of this research has explored cross-cutting issues that arise across all sectors, particularly the relation of trust (both human-machine and human-human) and challenges of algorithmic bias. A different aspect of my research has explored issues that are distinctive to particular sectors, including transportation; healthcare; surveillance; and defense & security. This latter work includes examination of ethical issues around disinformation and synthetic media (e.g., deepfakes).

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